Win the battle against document chaos
Automate business processes
Turn cost centers into profit centers
Eliminate business friction
Adapt to increasing business volume
Build a better business life

DA BARNES GROUP Founders & Partners
Angela & Douglas Barnes
Your ally in building a better business life every day.
DA BARNES GROUP - Serving businesses like yours since 2012
Business • Government • Legal • Non Profit
If you are facing document or business process challenges,
enlist us to serve as an ally or wingman in your quest to
Vanquish Chaos!
Our Process:
1 - EXPLORE. Start with a conversation
Book an introductory consultation. We
listen, get to know your challenges and,
if we are a good fit, you will already
know your wingman.
5 - REVIEW. Confirm objectives & verify that
needed mission assets (products and
sevicess) are available for deployment.
2 - ANALYZE. Identify the high value issues
worth targeting for solution. Identify
business or document processes that are
impeding production, increasing costs or
increasing frustrations.
6 - BLASTOFF. Implement the project plan
to make your system or process design
a reality.
3 - REFINE. Set goals and develop a process
strategy or even a complete system design
with business process efficiency and
security baked in.
7 - ASSESSS. At project completion,
review your Key Performance
Indicators (don't forget smiles).
4 - PLAN. Schedule a consultation to develop
an in depth project plan that includes
implementation, testing and training.

8 - REPEAT. As your business grows, continue to
assess risks and threats, review processes and
repeat this process for continuous improvement.
Take the first step here!
There is no cost for your initial consultation!
What People Are Saying

James A. McDevitt
Supervisor, Frenchtown Charter Township
“We truly value the professional and personal relationship that has formed over the years and absolutely plan to include you (Douglas Barnes) in the bidding of any future projects.”
Denise Cornelius
Executive Director
Housing Services Mid Michigan
"I like being able to search on grant/sub-grant and easily upload to our Grant Portal. The Safe system has really cut down on the work at the back end. I am also very happy with the management insights now available with always current information provided by our Safe (PSIGEN PSIsafe) system."
Dragan Popovic
Trisura Group Ltd.
“With PSIGEN PSIsafe, all of our information, enterprise-wide, is
secure and easily accessible, all in one place... No matter what we need, information is at our fingertips — and users are very happy.”