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Getting Started


If the documents that you are responsible for managing are still paper documents, you are not alone!

There are businesses and government agencies doing the same. Are they behind the curve? Yes! At a disadvantage? Yes! However, if you have ventured here, you have likely concluded that there has to be a better way. There is!

If the documents that you are responsible for managing are being managed by file explorer, you are not alone!

Scanning paper documents into electronic document is a step up. However, you may have already found that managing document files with Windows file explorer has its limitations. It sort of worked at one point but now, with business increasing and document volume correspondingly increasing, you are finding that this no longer works so well. It becomes too time consuming and costly. And there's always that problem of needing one document in more that one folder which increases storage needs and compounds confusion. You may have concluded that there has to be a better way. There is!

Or your document processes may be very advanced. When you first meet with us, where you begin is almost always different than anyone else whether you are running a business, government agency, or a non-profit. Regardless of where you are beginning, DA Barnes Group is here to help you get to where you want to be. We provide you with the resources you need to determine what improvements are most needed, which will yield the best benefits, how you can make those improvements, how you can make them affordable and how to get the most benefits or dividends from those improvements. Sometimes it takes a major step, sometimes it just takes an incremental improvement.

Regardless of where you are starting out from, you are welcome here!

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